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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Some Exportable Commodities In Nigeria And There Locations

The Final Report  of the Agribusiness Development Assistance to Nigeria (ADAN)in 2002, after evaluating Nigeria Commodities in terms of  market, supply, profitability, barriers, geographic dispersion, environmental impact, employment generation and foreign exchange earnings, ranked the top ten Commodities produced in Nigeria from most to least interesting for export as follows;
1. Ginger
2. Gum Arabic
3. Sesame
4. Cashew
5. Leather/Skins
6. Marine Products (prawn farming)
7. Wood Products (Hardwood charcoal, plank etc.)
8. Horticulture
9. Floriculture
10. Medicinal Plants (Prunus Africana or Pygeum)

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